3DEP Elevation Grid-to-line intersection#


In this example, a set of target NHD stream-segments is developed using the HyRiver package. A USGS 3DEP Elevation dataset is pulled using the ClimateR-Catalog. Finally gdptools InterpGen class is used to interpolate both the stream-segments and then interpolate elevatoin from the 3DEP dataset onto those points.

Create conda environment#


import warnings
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import hvplot.xarray

import xarray as xr
import pynhd
from pynhd import NLDI, NHDPlusHR, WaterData
from gdptools import UserTiffData
from gdptools import InterpGen
import geoviews as gv

gv.extension('bokeh', 'matplotlib')
# gv.extension()
# gv.output(dpi=120, fig='png')
# gv.output(backend='bokeh')

Create target lines#

nldi = NLDI()
station_id = "06730200"

basin = nldi.get_basins(station_id)

flw_main = nldi.navigate_byid(

nhdp_mr = WaterData("nhdflowline_network")
comids = [int(c) for c in flw_main.nhdplus_comid.to_list()]
nhd_mr_fl = nhdp_mr.byid("comid", comids)
flw = pynhd.prepare_nhdplus(nhd_mr_fl, 0, 0, purge_non_dendritic=True)
flw2 = flw.rename(columns={"comid": "ID", "tocomid": "toID"})
strm_segs = pynhd.topoogical_sort(flw2)

# copy the sorted comids into a list and remove the last element
# List will be used to sort ouput into topological order later
sort_ids = strm_segs[0]

# create a new dataframe with the sorted comids
mr_fl = nhd_mr_fl.set_index("comid").loc[sort_ids[:-1]]
mr_fl = mr_fl.reset_index()

comid geometry fdate resolution gnis_id gnis_name lengthkm reachcode flowdir wbareacomi ... qc_12 vc_12 qe_12 ve_12 lakefract surfarea rareahload rpuid vpuid enabled
0 2889852 MULTILINESTRING Z ((-105.63211 40.05203 0.0000... 2000-12-22T05:00:00Z Medium 178467 North Boulder Creek 0.373 10190005000122 With Digitized 2888392 ... 0.376 -9998.00000 0.376 -9998.00000 1.0 50667.042715 10.004544 10c 10L 1
1 2889186 MULTILINESTRING Z ((-105.62824 40.05363 0.0000... 1999-05-28T04:00:00Z Medium 178467 North Boulder Creek 0.552 10190005000121 With Digitized 0 ... 0.498 0.57306 0.498 0.57306 NaN NaN NaN 10c 10L 1
2 2889770 MULTILINESTRING Z ((-105.62207 40.05389 0.0000... 1999-05-28T04:00:00Z Medium 178467 North Boulder Creek 0.478 10190005000120 With Digitized 2888388 ... 0.592 -9998.00000 0.592 -9998.00000 1.0 52090.136727 6.691098 10c 10L 1
3 2889188 MULTILINESTRING Z ((-105.61719 40.05555 0.0000... 1999-05-28T04:00:00Z Medium 178467 North Boulder Creek 0.396 10190005000119 With Digitized 0 ... 0.659 0.62836 0.659 0.62836 NaN NaN NaN 10c 10L 1
4 2889772 MULTILINESTRING Z ((-105.61573 40.05258 0.0000... 1999-05-28T04:00:00Z Medium 178467 North Boulder Creek 0.257 10190005000118 With Digitized 2888396 ... 0.785 -9998.00000 0.785 -9998.00000 1.0 48345.911611 4.708286 10c 10L 1

5 rows × 138 columns

Plot the target lines#

from bokeh.models import PrintfTickFormatter
formatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format="%i")
gv.tile_sources.EsriTerrain * gv.Path(mr_fl.to_crs(4326), vdims="comid").opts(color='comid',cmap='category20', width=600, height=300, aspect="equal", line_width=5, show_legend=True, colorbar=True, colorbar_opts={'formatter': formatter}, clabel="segment ID", title="NHDPlus MR Flowlines upstream of USGS Gage 06730200")

Define source data#

import pprint
climater_cat = "https://mikejohnson51.github.io/climateR-catalogs/catalog.parquet"
cat = pd.read_parquet(climater_cat)

_id = "USGS 3DEP"
_asset = "10m CONUS DEM"
_vars = ["elevation"]
# create list of catalog parameters for each variable
cat_params = [
    cat.query("id == @_id & asset == @_asset & variable == @_vars").to_dict(orient="records")[0]
    for _var in _vars
# create dictionary of variable names and catalog parameters
cat_dict = dict(zip(_vars, cat_params))
{'elevation': {'T_name': None,
               'URL': '/vsicurl/https://prd-tnm.s3.amazonaws.com/StagedProducts/Elevation/13/TIFF/USGS_Seamless_DEM_13.vrt',
               'X1': -180.0005555560936,
               'X_name': None,
               'Xn': 180.00000026239937,
               'Y1': -180.0005555560936,
               'Y_name': None,
               'Yn': 72.0005555562949,
               'asset': '10m CONUS DEM',
               'crs': '+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs',
               'description': '10m CONUS DEM',
               'duration': None,
               'ensemble': None,
               'id': 'USGS 3DEP',
               'interval': None,
               'model': None,
               'nT': nan,
               'ncols': 3888006.0,
               'nrows': 939612.0,
               'resX': 9.259259266022042e-05,
               'resY': 9.25925926599094e-05,
               'scenario': None,
               'tiled': '',
               'toptobottom': None,
               'type': 'vrt',
               'units': 'meters',
               'variable': 'elevation',
               'varname': 'elevation'}}

Load source data#

import rioxarray as rxr
ds_3dep = rxr.open_rasterio(cat_dict["elevation"]["URL"])
<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 939612, x: 3888006)>
[3653217093672 values with dtype=float32]
  * band         (band) int64 1
  * x            (x) float64 -180.0 -180.0 -180.0 -180.0 ... 180.0 180.0 180.0
  * y            (y) float64 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 ... -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0
    spatial_ref  int64 0
    _FillValue:    -999999.0
    scale_factor:  1.0
    add_offset:    0.0

Define UserTiffData object#

varname = "elevation"
tx_name = "x"
ty_name = "y"
band = 1
bandname = "band"
crs = 4269
f_crs = 4326
id_feature = "comid"
user_data = UserTiffData(

Define InterpGen object and generate interpolation#

interpObject1 = InterpGen(user_data, pt_spacing=100, stat='all', interp_method="linear")
# stats1, pts1 = interpObject1.calc_interp()
stats1, pts1 = interpObject1.calc_interp()

Plot the sub-setted 3DEP 10m DEM#

ds_ss = user_data.get_source_subset(key="").to_dataset(name="elevation")
ds_ss.elevation.hvplot.quadmesh(x="x", y="y", geo=True, project=True, rasterize=True,  cmap="viridis", width=600, height=300, aspect="equal", clabel="3DEP 10m DEM", xlabel="Longitude", ylabel="Latitude", title="3DEP 10m DEM")

Show the interpolated points#

band spatial_ref values dist comid geometry varname
0 1 0 3620.148240 0.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62824 40.05363) elevation
1 1 0 3620.536627 100.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62721 40.05347) elevation
2 1 0 3605.426680 200.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62617 40.05330) elevation
3 1 0 3589.268640 300.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62513 40.05317) elevation
4 1 0 3578.737563 400.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62408 40.05319) elevation
5 1 0 3571.558674 500.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62307 40.05350) elevation
6 1 0 3561.002174 600.0 2889186 POINT (-105.62208 40.05386) elevation
0 1 0 3562.425944 0.0 2889188 POINT (-105.61719 40.05555) elevation
1 1 0 3560.132308 100.0 2889188 POINT (-105.61623 40.05523) elevation
2 1 0 3524.454447 200.0 2889188 POINT (-105.61593 40.05429) elevation

Show The statistics#

comid varname mean median std min max
0 2889186 elevation 3592.382657 3589.268640 21.869675 3561.002174 3620.536627
0 2889188 elevation 3530.434489 3542.293378 35.513002 3474.725256 3562.425944
0 2889198 elevation 3448.163403 3448.163403 5.088806 3443.074596 3453.252209
0 2889214 elevation 1558.948776 1558.909865 1.177185 1556.995965 1560.632596
0 2889222 elevation 3383.079127 3384.111898 20.186191 3357.855991 3407.269491
0 2889228 elevation 1562.467624 1562.329515 1.200751 1560.514595 1564.282919
0 2889258 elevation 1566.994821 1567.276414 1.405481 1564.551665 1569.605381
0 2889260 elevation 1570.061471 1569.926945 1.177150 1568.664712 1572.449691
0 2889264 elevation 1572.780278 1572.780278 0.221672 1572.558607 1573.001950
0 2889276 elevation 1574.920845 1574.883089 1.282822 1572.987986 1576.906272

Plot the mean elevation by comid#

# sort stats by topological stream order
stats = stats1.set_index("comid").loc[sort_ids[:-1]]
mr_fl["tmean"] = stats["mean"].values
pmin = mr_fl["tmean"].min()
pmax = mr_fl["tmean"].max()
pmin, pmax
import geoviews as gv

gv.tile_sources.EsriTerrain * gv.Path(mr_fl.to_crs(4326), vdims=["tmean"]).opts(width=600, height=300, aspect="equal",color="tmean", cmap="viridis", line_width=5, colorbar=True, clim=(pmin, pmax), clabel="Mean Elevation (m)", title="Mean Elevation by Stream Segment")

Plot the interpolated data as a scatter plot by comid#

import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure()
pts = pts1.groupby("comid")
for index in range(len(pts)):
    group = pts.get_group(sort_ids[index])
    fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=group["dist"], y=group["values"], mode='markers', marker=dict(size=5, color=group["values"], colorscale='Viridis', cmin=pmin, cmax=pmax), name=str(sort_ids[index])))
fig.update_layout(title="Stream-segment Interpolated Elevation 10m DEM", xaxis_title="Distance (m)", yaxis_title="Elevation (m)")
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 1
----> 1 import plotly.graph_objects as go
      2 fig = go.Figure()
      3 pts = pts1.groupby("comid")

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'plotly'